Be aware of fake ESCMID Global websites and fraudulent emails. Only use the official ESCMID Global online registration for your bookings.

Guidelines & Templates

Abstract Preparation

Here ESCMID Global abstract submitters can find the details on how to prepare their abstract for submission. These guidelines must be followed and should be read through before preparation and submission of any abstracts. 

Abstracts should fall into one of two categories with different template sections:

  • Regular abstract 
  • Case report/series (usually a single illustrative case or series of up to 10 cases)

For information on the template sections, please see “Text”

The submitter is responsible for ensuring that all author names are accurate at the time of submission. This includes correct spelling, formatting, capitalization, and punctuation of both names and affiliations. If the submitter is a co-author, they must ensure their name is included in the author list. The submitter is responsible for obtaining permission to submit and present the abstract from all co-authors and relevant stakeholders. ESCMID is not liable for any errors in author names or affiliation details.

Abstract titles should be concise and adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Capitalise only the first word of the title, except for acronyms.
  • Italicise Latin terms, including genus and species names.
  • Do not add a period at the end of the title.
  • Do not use brand names in the title.

ESCMID reserves the right to proofread and adjust titles according to ESCMID Global guidelines without the author's consent.

The abstract submission tool uses a pre-set template to guide you through the necessary sections of your abstract. Be sure to enter each section of your abstract into the corresponding textbox.

The entire abstract, including the title, must not exceed 350 words. This word limit does not apply to figure descriptions and references. The official language of ESCMID is UK English, and submitters are required to use this standard for grammar and spelling. Avoid using ALL CAPS in the text, except for abbreviations or acronyms.

For research abstracts, briefly outline the background, research context, and objectives. The methods section should include essential details about the research setting, data collection, and analytical methods. Results presented in the abstract must be original and not previously published or presented.

For case reports/series and Clinical Grand Round (CGR) cases, focus on the unique aspects of the case, such as clinical presentation, diagnosis, or treatment, and highlight the key learning points. Narrative reviews or abstracts lacking original data content will not be accepted.

To include up to three figures in your abstract, please use the figure upload fields at the bottom of the form. You can upload images, graphs, or tables in the figure sections.

  • Accepted formats: JPEG or PNG
  • Maximum dimensions: 1000 x 1000 pixels
  • Maximum file size: 3 MB

Images exceeding the specified dimensions will be automatically resized to A4 format in your submission confirmation. Ensure that all uploaded materials are clearly readable before submitting your abstract.

The official language of ESCMID is UK English, and submitters are required to use this spelling consistently. The International System of Units (SI) should be used whenever applicable. Genus and species names should be written out in full upon first mention, abbreviated thereafter, and italicised where appropriate.

The following scientific rules apply:

  • Systematic names (genus, family, and higher orders): capitalised (e.g., Chlamydia, Enterobacterales Picornaviridae)
  • Non-English expressions in English texts are written in italics (e.g., in vitro/in vivo, ad hoc, ex officio)
  • Taxonomic names must be italicised (e.g., Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium difficile)
  • Non-systematic names (e.g., plural): lowercase and not italicised (group A streptococci, mycobacteria)
  • Generic drug names: lowercase (e.g., penicillin)
  • Do not use brand names in titles: product names are allowed in the abstract text, but must be avoided in the title
  • Please follow standard English grammar rules, including a space after full stops and commas
  • Only common abbreviations may be used without definition

The full list of abstract categories may be found here.

Please choose the most accurate abstract category and subcategory to ensure review by the most suitable experts and allocation to the proper sessions if accepted. All case and case series abstracts will be automatically assigned to category 13, case reports and case series (n<10).

Authors are asked to choose two keywords from the drop-down and one free keyword to best define the abstract content.

You can save and edit your abstract at any time before final submission. Upon submission, a confirmation email will be sent to the submitter, and all co-authors with a copy of the submitted abstract. All follow up correspondence regarding the abstract will be sent exclusively to the presenting author.

If you wish to change the type of abstract after starting the submission process, please withdraw your current abstract and begin a new submission with the correct abstract type.

There are no changes possible to the abstract content after abstract submission. For any questions or change of the presenting author please contact us using the contact below.

Following the congress, a certificate of presentation will be available to the presenting authors at cme.eccmid.org. 

The presenting author is then responsible for disseminating this certificate to co-authors.

How to Prepare an Impactful Abstract

Scientific abstracts serve as a concise overview of the research or case that is being presented. It should be constructed clearly and logically, addressing the essential questions as well as emphasising the originality of your work. If accepted for ESCMID Global, your abstracts will be published in an open-source abstract book allowing you to communicate your findings to a broad audience. Here you can see some tips on how to write a successful abstract.

Writing style recommendations

  • Be concise: Utilise succinct language to engage readers quickly and effectively without using long complex sentences. 
  • Use an active voice: Whenever possible, use active verbs to reduce unnecessary words (e.g., "the study tested" instead of "it was tested by the study").
  • Clarity: Keep your language simple and clear, making your information accessible to a diverse audience.
  • Avoid jargon: Refrain from using abbreviations and specialised jargon, as not all readers will be familiar with them.
  • Review and proofread: Give yourself ample time to review your abstract and check for grammar, punctuation and spelling errors. Remember ESCMID uses UK English rules.
  • Feedback: Before submission, seek objective feedback on readability, perhaps from a colleague unfamiliar with your work.
  • Submit early: Aim to submit well before the deadline so you have time to carefully craft your abstract and not rush through it.

ePoster Design & Presentation

It is mandatory to upload an electronic version of your poster to the ESCMID Global online platform if your abstract(s) have been accepted for ePoster Flash or Paper Poster sessions. Presenting authors will gain access to upload posters only after completing registration for ESCMID Global. The upload platform will be open in March 2025.

Watch the Video

There are two possible formats of the ePosters:

1. ePoster as single page:

  • Required file type: PDF
  • Poster size: A0 portrait orientation, up to 3178.5 x 4493.8 pixels 
  • File size: no larger than 1GB

2. ePoster with voiceover as a single file:

  • File type: mp4 video file, 
  • Poster size: A0 portrait orientation, up to 3178.5 x 4493.8 pixels 
  • File size: no larger than 3GB, recording no longer than 5 minutes*

*Please note that recordings longer than 5 min will not be displayed.

Online poster presenters
There will be no virtual poster presentations (presenters do not have to login at the specific time during the congress). However, delegates can approach presenters with questions on the virtual congress platform or mobile app.

Onsite poster presentation
Display boards are reserved for all posters that are accepted for the congress. Presenters will receive an email with the exact date and time of their poster presentation(s). Poster sessions take place every day of the congress from 12:00 - 13:30 CEST in the poster area.

Poster Templates

Here you can find PPTX files of the ESCMID poster templates. Please note that use of this templates is NON mandatory.

Download template 1

Download template 2

Oral Presentation

If your poster has been selected for a One-hour or Two-hour Oral session or Case session please prepare your presentation using templates below. Please note that presenters in the ePoster flash sessions presented use ePoster not a slide show during presentation.

Use of the ESCMID Global templates is non mandatory.

Here you will find more details on the oral session types and format.

Scientific Sessions Oral Presentation Templates


Looking for more information? Get in touch with an ESCMID representative today!

Contact form