Apply for mentorship The enriching ESCMID Mentorship Programme provides participants with the opportunity to network with and learn from experts in the fields of Clinical Microbiology (CM) and Infectious Diseases (ID). ESCMID's esteemed mentors are eager to share their knowledge, experience, and…
Get to know moreESCMID Mentorship Report Halfway through the mentorship period, you will need to submit an interim report online. Reports are then approved by the Professional Affairs Officer and the mentorship can continue with the second phase. Upon completion of the mentorship, a final report must also be…
Get to know moreMentorship ESCMID encourages mentorship to facilitate professional development. All mentors sit within the ESCMID Mentorship Centre (EMC), offering support and guidance to their mentees. Through this programme, our objective is to give ESCMID members a unique opportunity to meet skilled…
Get to know moreSearch Mentorship Centres If you're searching for a mentor, the ESCMID Mentorship Centre (EMC) offers a straightforward process for finding and connecting with an available expert. Search for an EMC based on location, and explore further details by clicking "more." To access additional information,…
Get to know moreExchange Programmes ESCMID's exchange programmes aim to facilitate knowledge exchange in Clinical Microbiology (CM) and Infectious Diseases (ID) through mentorship and observership. In bringing together a mix of international perspectives, goals, and skill sets, ESCMID fosters global advancement in…
Get to know moreRegister as a Mentorship Centre Mentors are highly experienced ESCMID members who offer guidance and encouragement to future professionals. Being a mentor goes beyond just joining a programme, it is a pivotal role that may significantly influence the professional trajectory of your mentee. The first…
Get to know moreApplication for ESCMID Mentorship Thank you for your application. You will receive an email as soon as a decision has been made.
Get to know moreApplication for ESCMID Mentorship Centre Thank you for your application. We will get in contact with you as soon as the evaluation phase has been concluded.
Get to know moreMentorship application form Before applying online, please contact the mentor to agree on a mentoring partnership, collaboratively develop a plan, and obtain a written agreement to support your application. For ESCMID Young Scientist Members or members from low- or lower-middle-income countries only
Get to know moreAims and objectives The ESCMID Study Group on Mobile Elements And Plasmids (ESGMAP) serves as a reference and coordinating group within ESCMID, dedicated to advancing research, detection, and control of mobile elements and plasmids. These elements are fundamental drivers of antimicrobial resistance,…
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