ESCMID Global abstracts are presented as posters or short oral presentations during the congress.
The ESCMID Programme Committee accepts abstracts based on the review outcome. Decision letters will be sent to assigned poster presenters by email in late January 2025. Please use the contact form below to contact ESCMID abstract office if you did not receive notification by the end of February.
Accepted abstracts accepted for the oral presentation can be assigned to one of the following sessions:
If your abstract has been accepted for a poster presentation you must upload an electronic version of your poster (ePoster). ePosters are displayed on the ESCMID Global virtual platform during the congress and for six months after the congress, which can be viewed by registered delegates.
During ESCMID Global every poster is assigned to a numbered display board during the poster sessions. ESCMID strongly encourages poster presenters to participate in poster sessions apart from submitting ePoster to networks, personally sharing and discussing data with the ESCMID community.
All online and onsite presenters must upload ePosters to a speaker profile upon registration to ensure that the presentation is included in the programme (this requirement is necessary due to the hybrid nature of the congress so all online participants can access the posters presented onsite). Please note, the speaker profile will be available upon registration to the presenting authors for an upload. The upload of the ePoster is possible from 1 March until 7 April 2025.
ESCMID collaborates with poster printing providers for ESCMID Global 2025, who print and deliver posters to the congress venue in Vienna. Please review the important information regarding poster printing below:
For any questions or queries, please contact customer[at]
The abstracts accepted and presented at ESCMID Global 2025 will be collectively published in an official congress abstract book that will be available here during the congress. After the congress it will then be submitted for final publication in CMI Communications to allow for all abstracts presented at the congress to be citable. The abstract book is not yet available, but you can review last year’s edition through the button below.
Abstract Book 2024
Looking for more information? Get in touch with an ESCMID representative today!