Be aware of fake ESCMID Global websites and fraudulent emails. Only use the official ESCMID Global online registration for your bookings.


Here you can find information for submitting your research abstract or case study report/series to ESCMID Global including deadlines, details on submission procedure, categories and more.

Deadlines & Submission

Please find below the relevant deadlines for abstract submission. Please note that we do not guarantee that the submission deadline will be extended and we will not accept any submission after the deadline.

Please make sure that you have all documents ready for submission before you begin the process. You will be redirected to the official abstract submission platform where you will need to login with your ESCMID account details. Read the guidelines for abstract preparation here before submission. 

Step-by-step tutorial

Abstract submission for ESCMID Global 2025 is closed

Important Information for Submitters

Abstracts submitted to ESCMID Global undergo review by at least three reviewers. The results of the review aid the ESCMID Global Programme Committee to make a decision whether the abstract is accepted or not for the programme and selection for poster or oral presentations. Abstracts submitted to ESCMID Global must be based on novel data not previously presented or published (excluding poster pre-prints). The ESCMID Global Programme Committee reserves the right to reject submitted abstracts if the data have been published in an international journal, earlier than six weeks before the congress.

Submission of an abstract indicates your consent for inclusion of the abstract in the congress materials (electronic and in print) upon abstract acceptance . If the scientific work has been submitted for publication, accepted, and published in a scientific journal between the ESCMID Global abstract submission deadline and the congress, authors are expected to ensure that data presented during the congress are updated or feature new perspectives to avoid redundancies and duplications of already published information.

To complete abstract submission, ESCMID membership is not required and includes the following steps:

  1. Login (here you can use your ESCMID credentials or create an ESCMID web-user account)
  2. Sign-in to the abstract submission platform
  3. Create new abstract
  4. You will receive a confirmation email after submission

Abstract Categories

Abstracts are grouped according to the list of 13 categories below and their respective subcategories. Explore the list and determine which categories and subcategories your abstracts fall under before you submit as this determines the topic under which your abstract will be presented.

1a. HIV/AIDS (incl diagnostics & epidemiology, anti-retroviral drugs, vaccines, treatment & susceptibility/resistance)

1b. Viral hepatitis (incl diagnostics & epidemiology, antiviral drugs, vaccines, treatment & susceptibility/resistance)

1c. Influenza and respiratory viruses (incl diagnostics & epidemiology, antiviral drugs, vaccines, treatment & susceptibility/resistance) 

1d. Herpesviruses (incl diagnostics & epidemiology, antiviral drugs, treatment & susceptibility/resistance, excl clinical studies in immunocompromised hosts)

1e. Emerging/re-emerging, vector-borne and zoonotic viral diseases (other than COVID)

1f. Diagnostic virology (other than respiratory viruses, herpesviruses, hepatitis & HIV; incl traditional, molecular, genomic and other methods)

1g. Viral epidemiology – general, prevalence studies, molecular and genomic epidemiology (other than respiratory viruses, herpesviruses, hepatitis & HIV)

1h. Antiviral drugs, treatment, susceptibility/resistance (other than respiratory viruses, herpesviruses, hepatitis & HIV)

1i. Fundamental and applied virology (incl in vitro and in vivo models, novel methods)

1j. COVID-19 (incl virology, epidemiology, evolution, immune response, diagnosis, treatment, vaccination, prevention, response and societal impact)

2a. Tuberculosis and other mycobacterial infections (incl epidemiology, clinical, diagnostics, antimycobacterial drugs, susceptibility testing, treatment & prevention)

2b. Severe sepsis, bacteraemia & endocarditis (incl epidemiology, diagnosis, host biomarkers, treatment, and outcome prediction)

2c. Community-acquired respiratory infections (incl epidemiology, clinical features, imaging, treatment & prevention)

2d. Community-acquired abdominal/gastrointestinal infections (incl epidemiology, clinical, imaging, treatment & prevention)

2e. Community-acquired urinary tract & genital tract infections (incl epidemiology, clinical, imaging, treatment & prevention)

2f. Community-acquired skin, soft tissue, bone & joint infections (incl epidemiology, clinical, imaging, treatment & prevention, excl prostheses) 

2g. Community-acquired nervous system and other multi-system or invasive bacterial infections (incl epidemiology, clinical, imaging, treatment & prevention)

2h. Zoonotic bacterial infections (incl vector-borne pathogens, excl AMR)

2i. Other intracellular or rare bacteria

3a. Resistance surveillance & epidemiology: Community-acquired bacteria

3b. Resistance surveillance & epidemiology: Healthcare-associated bacteria

3c. Susceptibility testing methods (incl assay validation, phenotypic assays and comparative studies, excl TB)

3d. Resistance mechanisms (incl in vitro and in vivo studies, mobile elements, excl TB)

3e. Resistance detection/prediction approaches (rapid and/or molecular assays, resistome analysis, inference methods)

3f. Clinical outcome of resistant infections (retrospective and prospective studies, excl clinical trials of new drugs, excl case series)

3g. Spread of resistance (incl carriage, reservoirs, ecology, One Health models, excl nosocomial transmission)

3h. Policy aspects of AMR (incl societal impact, economics, mitigation)

4a. Diagnostic bacteriology (incl culture based, traditional and general microbiology, serology, excl AST methods)

4b. Laboratory management (incl automation, data management, QC/QA, regulatory aspects) 

4c. MALDI-TOF and other proteomic methods 

4d. Molecular diagnostics (incl POCT and syndromic testing) 

4e. Strain typing and surveillance (incl molecular, genomic and other advanced methods)

4f. Whole genome sequencing (incl pathogen characterisation, diagnostics, excl typing) 

4g. Microbiome studies (incl clinical and diagnostic studies, One Health aspects, excl fundamental science) 

4h. Clinical metagenomics

4i. Bioinformatics tools & pipelines

4j. Artificial intelligence based tools and digital health

4k. Other novel diagnostic technologies 

5a. Drug discovery and new compounds mechanisms of action & spectrum, preclinical data & basic pharmacology (incl drug design, investigational and non-traditional therapeutics)

5b. Pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of antibacterial drugs & therapeutic drug monitoring (incl lab methods, models, in vitro and in vivo studies)

5c. New or repurposed antibacterial agents: Clinical studies and randomised trials

5d. Antimicrobial stewardship and prescribing (incl interventions, monitoring, impact, decision-support/prediction tools, behavioural aspects)

5e. Safety, hypersensitivity and adverse effects of treatment 

5f. Pharmacoepidemiology/pharmacoeconomics (incl cost-effectiveness, modelling, data tools) 

6a. Fundamental mycology (incl in vitro and in vivo studies, pathogenesis, virulence, mycobiome)

6b. Fungal disease epidemiology 

6c. Diagnostic mycology (incl traditional, molecular and other methods)

6d. Antifungal susceptibility testing & resistance (incl surveillance, mechanisms)

6e. Antifungal drugs & treatment (incl pre-clinical studies and clinical trials) 

7a. Fundamental parasitology 

7b. Parasitic disease epidemiology

7c. Diagnostic parasitology (incl traditional, molecular and genomic methods)

7d. Antiparasitic drugs & treatment (incl pre-clinical studies and clinical trials)

7e. Antiparasitic susceptibility & drug resistance (incl surveillance, mechanism)

7f. Travel medicine, migrant and refugee health 

8a. Intravascular catheter-related infections (incl epidemiology, prevention) 

8b. Other foreign-body and implant-associated infections (incl PJI)

8c. Surgical site infections

8d. Healthcare-associated pneumonia (incl VAP)

8e. Hospital epidemiology, transmission, surveillance & screening (incl. hospital environment)  

8f. Other healthcare associated infections (incl CDI, hospital outbreaks)

8g. Infection control interventions and trials (incl microbiota transplantation)

8h. Disinfection & sterilisation (incl medical device reprocessing)

8i. Healthcare workers and infection prevention (incl vaccination, protective equipment, behavioural aspects, training and practices) 

9a. Microbial pathogenesis & virulence

9b. Host-pathogen interaction (incl basic microbiome studies, animal models)

9c. Pre-clinical biofilm studies

9d. Experimental and cellular microbiology 

9e. Fundamental science studies using Omics (in vitro and in vivo)

9f. Immune response to infection (incl in vitro, animal and human studies, laboratory assessment of immunity and response, excl sepsis biomarkers) 

10a. Host genetics: Susceptibility to infection & primary immunodeficiency 

10b. Infections related to solid organ transplantation 

10c. Infections related to haematopoietic stem cell transplantation

10d. Infections related to cell-based therapies

10e. Infections related to cancer treatment (incl neutropaenia)

10f. Infections related to other forms of immunosuppression (e.g. gastrointestinal, rheumatological, dermatological disease, biologicals) 

11a. General vaccinology (incl in vitro and in vivo studies, safety, regulatory, policy, social aspects)

11b. Antiviral vaccines (excl respiratory and bloodborne viruses)

11c. Antibacterial vaccines

11d. Other preventive modalities (incl new vaccine technologies, antibody-based treatments) 

11e. Food & water safety, environmental health, vector epidemiology

11f. Veterinary microbiology and One Health (excl AMR)

11g. Global health & health security (incl policy-making, climate change, biosafety/biosecurity) 

11h. Infections in low-resource settings (incl disease burden, health infrastructure, health disparities and vulnerable populations) 

12a. Professional affairs and career development

12b. Publishing, ethics, other academic affairs

12c. Medical education for CM/ID

12d. Diversity and equality

12e. Advocacy and role of patients 

13a. Viral infections

13b. Bacterial infections

13c. Fungal infections 

13d. Parasitic infections

13e. Other unusual clinical situations


No it is not mandatory to be an ESCMID member. But if you are not a member you need an ESCMID web user account that can be created here at no cost.

You do not need to register for ESCMID Global to submit an abstract. The only requirement is that the submitter has an ESCMID web user account or an ESCMID member account. If the abstract is accepted, the presenting author must register for the congress to be eligible for the abstract's publication and presentation.

If your abstract is accepted, you can attend ESCMID Global onsite or online with a valid registration to present your work.

Yes, agencies can submit abstracts.

There is no limit on the number of abstracts that one author can submit.

It is only possible to log in with your ESCMID credentials. Changes to your account or password resets can be done on the ESCMID website here.

Systematic reviews/meta-analyses or case report/series complemented by a literature review can be accepted. Narrative literature reviews are discouraged.

Yes, case reports/series can be submitted.

ESCMID does not provide a consent form. The abstract author is responsible for ensuring that all necessary consents and disclosures are collected within all applicable laws and guidelines.

ESCMID discourages submissions not featuring original data.

For ‘Trial in Progress’, in which results are expected after the regular abstract deadline, please submit your abstract, including results, during the late-breaking abstract call.

Yes, abstracts on national policies are accepted, even if they only focus on a single country (no geographic restrictions).


Yes. Please clarify that in the abstract.

Company names must not be used in titles (ESCMID has the right to remove it from the title during approval process). Specific product names in titles should be avoided.

Encore abstracts are not accepted for ESCMID Global. Only original unpublished material is allowed. Abstracts with published data may be considered only if there is substantial new data or analysis included.

If your abstract is in draft mode, you can log in to the system and delete it yourself. If the review has begun, you will need to wait for the outcome, and if abstracts are accepted, you can then use the contact form below for the withdrawal.

It is the responsibility of the submitter to ensure that the names of author(s) and their affiliation(s) are correctly spelled and formatted with appropriate capitalisation and punctuation.

Names and affiliations cannot be edited by the submitter once submission is complete and will be published exactly as submitted.

ESCMID takes no responsibility for errors in either author or affiliation information. For any changes, please contact the ESCMID office.

Maximum file size: 4.88 MB

Maximum height and width: 1000 x 1000 pixels.

Accepted file formats: PNG, BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG

The embargo will be lifted 10 days before the start of ESCMID Global.

Please provide all relevant information required for the grant application during the submission of your abstract and indicate that you would like to be included in the selection pool.

Once the abstract is submitted, no more changes are possible.

Once the abstract is submitted, no more changes are possible.


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