Be aware of fake ESCMID Global websites and fraudulent emails. Only use the official ESCMID Global online registration for your bookings.

Instructions for Speakers

Speakers can learn about the guidelines for the presentations including format of their slides and how to use different features when presenting during the congress. Slide templates are also available for use during the congress in a variety of styles.

Presentation Guidelines

Speakers can refer to the information below for guidance on preparing their presentations for ESCMID Global, including addressing conflicts of interest and creating polls to engage the audience during their talks.

You can download ESCMID Global slide templates at the bottom of the page. 

Duration and number of slides 

When preparing your presentation, please take note of the time allocated to your presentation. In general, 2 - 2.5 slides per minute is a reliable rule of thumb to ensure that your lecture does not exceed the allotted time. 


Presentation files will be accepted in .ppt and .pptx only and must be under 500 MB in size. The aspect ratio of your presentation must be 16:9 and to avoid compatibility problems, please do not use special characters in the name of the file (e.g. «, Ö, Ø, ñ, ε, ®, ý, }, {, etc.). 


 The guiding principle for text is “as much as necessary, as little as possible”. Text should be concise and to the point highlighting the key facts in no more than 5 text lines per page. To ensure readability the minimum recommended font size for easy viewing is 20 points. Colours should be used sparingly. Choose colour combinations that make your text easy to read. 


Keep your slides clean: avoid adding too much information, especially graphs and experimental data on one single slide. A clear and well-structured arrangement is the most attractive and easiest to view on screen. When using images, please ensure a high quality, royalty free (or cited) image.

After registration speakers will be able to access their speaker profiles where they can declare publishing consent which is necessary. This gives ESCMID the right to live-stream the sessions and record it for participants. Additionally, speakers will be able to declare any potential conflicts of interest for their presentations giving comments on the potential conflict.

Speakers can set up a poll to be used during their presentation using the ESCMID Global virtual platform. You can find detailed instructions with images to guide you through the process of creating a poll and then how to launch it during your session in the presentation below. 

Download presentation

Speakers must upload their presentations to the speaker profile at least 24 hours before the start of their session. Please find a link below for detailed instructions on how to upload your presentation using the speaker profile.

Download presentation

Please note that only .ppt and .pptx file types are accepted. 

Below are some best practices for online speakers to ensure a smooth presentation and connection. 

  • Be at the same place and have the same equipment than during the training 
  • Check your session time based on your time zone 
  • Try to sit still during the presentation not moving too much to the sides or closer to the computer 
  • NEVER turn off your camera 
  • Mute yourself when not talking 
  • Turn off your computer notifications and close all programmes which are not being used for the session 
  • Put your phone on silent mode 
  • Do not connect to the congress platform at the same time. It will disturb the sound and notifications. 

On the day, the technical team will send a zoom link by email to join the waiting room for your session. Speakers are kindly asked to connect to the zoom 45 minutes before the beginning of your session. This allocated time is to prepare the template with the camera and audio control and perform a last technical check.


Here ESCMID Global speakers can download different types of templates for their presentations which feature ESCMID Global branding. There is no requirement to use these templates but speakers are welcome to use them if desired.

Presentation template


Looking for more information? Get in touch with an ESCMID representative today!

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