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AMR Science-Policy Forum

Co-hosted by ESCMID and the Global Leaders Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (GLG)

ESCMID invites you to participate in this joint high-level AMR event co-hosted by ESCMID and the Global Leaders Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (GLG) taking place on Friday, 11 April 2025 onsite at ESCMID Global 2025 in Vienna, Austria. In the wake of the UNGA political declarations on AMR, it is important to move now from commitments into action. Connecting science and policy has never been more important and this meeting aims to bridge that gap. This meeting will be free of charge and require no registration to attend.

Preliminary Programme

15:00-15:15 CEST: Welcome and opening remarks 

15:15-16:45 CEST: Session 1 - Science to inform policy: Implementing UNGA targets on AMR
The session will focus on key targets in the 2024 UNGA political declaration on AMR across sectors and how science can guide policy actions to achieve them

Moderators: C.O. Onyebuchi Chukwu (GLG) and Holger Rohde (ESCMID)

The overall impact of currently known AMR interventions
Joe Lewnard (UC Berkley)

Perspectives (7 min/presentation)

  • Reducing AMR-related mortality: Monitoring and achieving the 10% reduction by 2030
    Yvan Hutin (WHO)
  • A health-economic view on AMR interventions
    Chantal Morel (ESCMID)
  • Global antibiotic policy: Achieving the global 70% access target
    Michael Sharland (ESCMID)
  • Accelerating one health action in agrifood systems to meet UNGA commitments on AMR
    Junxia Song (FAO)

Setting and implementation targets at the country level
Tochi Okwor (CDC Nigeria)

17:00-18:20 CEST: Session 2 - Policy to drive action: Establishing the Independent Panel on Evidence for Action on AMR and updating the Global Action Plan
The session will provide an update on progress towards establishing a new independent science panel on AMR and updating the Global Action Plan, and explore lessons from the IPCC and similar entities.

Moderators: Lothar Wieler (GLG) and Annelies Zinkernagel (ESCMID)

Progress update by the Quadripartite Joint Secretariat on setting up the panel and updating the GAP
Jean-Pierre Nyemazi (Quadripartite Joint Secretariat)

Lessons from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Abdalah Mokssit (Secretary, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)

Q&A and panel discussion
Thomas Tangden (ESCMID), Sabiha Essack (ESCMID), Jacqueline Alvarez (UNEP), Javier Yugueros-Marcos (WOAH)

18:20-18:30 CEST: Closing remarks and next steps

18:30-20:00 CEST: Networking reception