Attendees can receive certificates for attending or presenting at ESCMID Global 2025 as in previous years. Additionally, ESCMID will apply again this year for CME/CPD accreditation for ESCMID Global 2025.
More information on this will follow. Users can find all previous certificates on the certificate portal here.
Certificates of onsite attendance (not including CME credits) are available for print during the congress, at the print stations in the registration area starting on Monday morning. If you do not obtain your certificate onsite or you wish to have a pdf version, you can download your certificate from the certificate portal.
Certificates of online participation (not including CME credits) are also available on the certificate portal.
*Please note that certificates are automatically generated using names and information that are provided during registration or abstracts submission. ESCMID is not responsible for any errors in certificates as a result of mistakes generated by the registrants or abstract submitters and cannot be further corrected.
Abstract presenters are also able to receive certificates confirming their participation in ESCMID Global. Certificates of abstract presentations will be available to presenting authors by mid-May 2025 from the certificate portal. Presenting authors are responsible for distributing certificates to their co-authors.
One certificate will be issued per oral presentation, ePoster flash presentation, uploaded ePoster as a presenting author and each presented paper poster at ESCMID Global 2025.
*Please note that certificates are automatically generated using names and information that are provided during registration or abstracts submission. ESCMID is not responsible for any errors in certificates as a result of mistakes generated by the registrants or abstracts submitters and cannot be further corrected.
“The 35th ESCMID Global (Congress of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases ), Vienna, Austria 12/04/2025 - 15/04/2025, has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 28.0 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.”
“Through an agreement between the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. You can find information on the EACCME® to AMA credit conversion process here.
“Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognised by the UEMS-EACCME® for ECMEC®s are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.”
Each participant should claim only those hours of credit that they actually spent in the educational activity.
The EACCME® awards ECMEC®s on the basis of 0.5 ECMEC® for 30 minutes of CME with a maximum of 7 ECMEC®s per day. cf. Chapter XIII of UEMS 2023.07.
People viewing the recordings during the six-month period after the event has taken place are entitled to CME credits, in the same way as the participants to the live event.
The credits are granted, as for the live event, on the basis of actual “participation”, i.e. how many hours of CME the participants have viewed.
The maximum number of credits granted for watching the recordings will be the same as for the live event and cannot exceed this number whatever the number of sessions attended or viewed. A participant may not obtain credits for participating at the live event and watching the same sessions as recordings.
Please note: There are no CME credits granted for sessions taking place on Friday 11th April 2025. CME Points can only be collected as of Saturday, 12th April 2025, according to the credit breakdown above.
In accordance with CME/CPD accreditation criteria and standards for commercial support to ensure balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigour, those in control of the educational content must disclose potential or actual conflicts of interest. Disclosure information is evaluated and conflicts of interest resolved. Disclosure is made to participants prior to the activity. Participants will be asked on the evaluation to assess the objectivity and independence of the event.
For CME Certificates participants need to connect to the CME Platform and log in with their ESCMID account. The points of the sessions need to be claimed individually, and a general survey needs to be filled out. The survey will open on Tuesday, 14 April 2025 and close on 15 October 2025.
This link is available at the top of the page and in case you still need to download your CME, Attendance and Presentation Certificates from ESCMID Global 2024, ECCMID 2023, 2022 and 2021, they are also available through the link.
Looking for more information? Get in touch with an ESCMID representative today!