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Personalisation and Tracks

With the growth of ESCMID Global, the programme has expanded and evolved to encompass a broad range of topics allowing every participant to exchange the latest scientific knowledge and engage in a comprehensive educational and networking experience. To facilitate your personal learning journey at ESCMID Global, new personalised features have been implemented to recommend sessions based on your ESCMID profile and split the programme into themed tracks for easy scheduling of sessions. 


New this year, ESCMID has implemented a system that takes the interests indicated in your profile and creates a series of recommendations for your personal agenda. You can also update your profile with new interests and afterwards, new recommendations will be shown on your account. These recommended sessions are automatically added to your personal agenda but can be disabled if you prefer to make your own schedule. This feature is available on both the virtual congress platform and the mobile application.


One of the major ways in which the programme is filtered is using a new categorisation based on tracks. The programme is allocated into nine tracks which automatically filter the programme for the sessions that are relevant to that particular theme or topic. This allows attendees to access a more digestible programme that only includes the sessions that are relevant to the desired theme.

Physicians and other healthcare workers can benefit greatly from this track which will put the focus on the latest developments for supporting and treating their patients or managing hospitals and clinics. The sessions listed under this tag will cover the full spectrum of pathogen types, patient age ranges as well as special populations such as immunocompromised patients. Exploring the latest medical innovations in a real-world setting will keep clinicians educated in the best medical practices and allow them to implement this in their home settings.

Knowing your enemy is half the battle in infectious diseases. This is why being informed on the latest developments in diagnostics is incredibly important. This track highlights new technologies or how to implement existing techniques to best diagnose patients and allow for appropriate treatment. From point-of-care testing and traditional methods to next-gen sequencing and artificial intelligence, these sessions will help educate attendees on the best practices to puzzle out a diagnosis efficiently and effectively.

Being able to translate fundamental science research into meaningful, applicable outputs that directly benefit human health is a key step to innovate in the field of infection. This track will follow the sessions that explore the latest in fundamental research, in areas such as virulence, biofilms and microbiomes, and how it can be developed and applied to the medical field. Explore the cross-cutting discoveries that will be unveiled at ESCMID Global.

Reducing the burden of infection includes slowing the spread of infection through preventive tactics and good infection control and hygiene practices. This track will focus on the sessions that explore the infection prevention and control approaches, surveillance of healthcare associated infections as well as exploring the latest technologies to reduce the spread of disease in hospitals and other healthcare settings.

The key weapons in the fight against infectious diseases are antimicrobials. This track will explore all areas of antimicrobial agents including drug development, discovery and usage of novel agents as well as the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of antimicrobials. Follow this track to stay up to date on the latest in regards to these important medicines including the judicious use of antimicrobials and stewardship approaches.

Discover all the latest developments in the world of vaccines and immunology with this track. It will delve into vaccine development, assessment and usage across the world giving you an outlook on how best to implement this preventive measure. Additionally, sessions in this track will explore immunology and immunity to infections. with sessions dedicated to understanding and utilising the immune system to combat infectious diseases.

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major pillar for ESCMID and is a key discussion point in the medical world today. The track will include sessions that focus on this global crisis including updates on the spread of AMR, how to detect and manage it, and new ways to address this pressing issue, from the clinical to the policy level. AMR is on everyone’s mind and being able to stay educated on the latest innovations for treatment and management will support the fight against its spread.

This track will follow sessions that explore the global and public health scene including general updates as well as the latest emerging infections across the world. The emerging infections landscape is constantly shifting and evolving and here participants will be able to learn about the current emerging and re-emerging threats to public health, and specific public health challenges such as foodborne and waterborne infections and zoonoses.

ESCMID Global is not just about the latest scientific innovations, it also includes professional development insight and guidance for colleagues in different stages of their careers. This track includes sessions that explore medical education, scientific publishing and other aspects of professional development within the academic and clinical realms of infectious diseases.


Looking for more information? Get in touch with an ESCMID representative today!

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