The virtual congress platform is your personal access point for all things ESCMID Global. Linked to your registration, the platform provides a number of personalisation features on top of the essential items like live-streaming of sessions, faculty list, networking inbox and ePosters.
All sessions taking place in regular session halls are live-streamed during ESCMID Global through the virtual congress platform and can be watched live or as a recording* after the live-stream has ended. This includes all scientific sessions, keynote lectures, educational workshops, pre-congress content, abstracts and ePosters. It is also a hub for networking including the list of faculty, company profiles for sponsors and access to a networking zone for attendees to connect.
Once the congress is over, all sessions are available on-demand for six months after the congress dates.
*restrictions apply and industry sessions are not guaranteed to be released for replay.
Since access is linked to your personal registration, a personalised programme can be recommended using the selected keywords during the registration process. This feature will recommend some key sessions that you might be interested in and help you filter through the broad programme and find the sessions that interest you the most and won’t want to miss! You can also update your profile with new keywords and new recommendations will appear according to your updated preferences.
Build your personal agenda by favouriting sessions, ePosters, abstracts, sponsor profiles and side meetings to plan out your congress trip entirely making it a smooth experience when you land onsite in Vienna.
Looking for more information? Get in touch with an ESCMID representative today!