Registration for the ESCMID Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) Certificate 2023-25 is now closed. Learn more about the exciting Clinical Microbiology (CM) and Infectious Diseases (ID) modules that the programme is offering over this two-year period below.
This two-year programme offers tailored modules to address current and emerging topics in the fields of CM and ID. It also aims to promote knowledge-sharing and exposure of early-career participants to international clinical settings. The programme modules are offered either online or held onsite at various locations across Europe.
The AMS Certificate 2023-2025 has been determined COMPLIANT and has been entered into the CVS / e4ethics platform of MedTech Europe.
MedTech Code of Ethical Business Practice
Following this verification, the AMS Certificate 2023-2025 is published in the official CVS calendar.
Applications closed on 28 February 2023.
You are invited to choose 3 electives from the list below. The elective modules in this programme are similar to those of the AMS Certificate 2022-2024.
Take a look back at past AMS Certificate programmes and related events.
The AMS Certificate 2023-2025 has been determined COMPLIANT and has been entered into the CVS / e4ethics platform of MedTech Europe.
Following this verification, the AMS Certificate 2023-2025 is now published in:
Official CVS calendar