
ESCMID encourages mentorship to facilitate professional development. All mentors sit within the ESCMID Mentorship Centre (EMC), offering support and guidance to their mentees. Through this programme, our objective is to give ESCMID members a unique opportunity to meet skilled professionals in their field, gaining valuable insight into research and career development. Mentees are encouraged to make a one-to-two-year commitment to fully benefit from the programme and their respective mentors.


Collaborate with a mentor to define mentorship objectives and tailor a plan for research and career development. Guidance provided via face-to-face meetings, video conferences, and emails.

Key Benefits:

Guidance & Growth: Mentors offer support, career advice, and skill development.
Opportunities & Networking: Mentors connect mentees to resources and professional circles, leading to collaborations and possibly scientific publications.
Inspiration & Impact: Strong mentorship fosters innovation and can transform career trajectories.


Becoming an ESCMID Mentor means guiding the next generation of experts. Share your knowledge, support mentees, and help shape their careers through guidance, encouragement, and connections.

Key Benefits:

Personal Growth: Enhance communication, leadership, and teaching skills while expanding your network.
Reputation & Collaboration: Boost your reputation, contribute to scientific development, and collaborate on publications.
Recognition: Receive an ESCMID certificate upon completion and support continuous learning in the field.

Meet our Mentors


“My deepest gratitude for the incredible mentorship. The guidance helped me navigate complexities and instilled a deeper understanding of effective leadership.”

Mehrnaz Mohammad Davoudi
Mentee 2023-2024

“Uniting teams of all sizes, ensuring alignment and keeping projects on track.”.

Kiana Abbasi
Mentee 2023-2024