Mentors are highly experienced ESCMID members who offer guidance and encouragement to future professionals. Being a mentor goes beyond just joining a programme; it is a pivotal role that may significantly influence the professional trajectory of your mentee. The first step on this meaningful journey is registering your institute as an ESCMID Mentorship Centre (EMC).
Prospective EMCs are invited to share the following background information for consideration: hospital location and demographics (including information about the department), services offered, staff competencies, notable achievements, and any special epidemiological characteristics of the country or area in which you are located.
ESCMID is eager to include clinical microbiology (CM) and infectious disease (ID) services, as well as clinical bacteriology, and/or virology units. CM and ID departments within hospitals can apply either jointly or individually. If you are applying via a joint application, please ensure that you fill out separate application forms for each department.
Each EMC will be asked to appoint one or more experts as mentors within their centre, committing to welcoming at least one ESCMID mentee per year. As a mentor, it is recommended to engage with no more than three mentees at a time to ensure sufficient quality resources. The length of the mentorship shall be agreed upon between the EMC and the mentee and should not exceed two years. To facilitate interactions, EMCs are encouraged to provide video conference tools for online exchanges if face-to-face meetings are not possible.
To enhance global knowledge-sharing, ESCMID strongly encourage institutions outside of Europe to consider joining the EMC network!
Are you eager to register your institution? Please apply for free using this application form.
Applications can be submitted all year round and are normally processed within two months of submission. EMC applications are a one-step process, including the submission of a short profile with details about your institution/department for potential mentees. Details about the scope of services your centre can offer to an ESCMID mentee are also requested in the submission.
Important: Institutions can start accepting ESCMID mentees only once their application has been reviewed and approved by the ESCMID Professional Affairs Officer.
After your application process is complete, the submitted information is reviewed by the ESCMID Executive Office and then presented to the ESCMID Executive Committee. Potential EMCs are considered based on their offering to the participating mentees. Please note obtaining an EMC status or becoming an ESCMID mentee does not represent a mark of quality approval.
Each EMC should mentor at least one mentee per year to remain eligible.