Aims and objectives

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major global health concern and being able to track the spread of this silent pandemic is of the utmost importance. The ESCMID Study Group for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (ESGARS) was founded to bring clinical microbiologists, infectious diseases physicians and scientists together to be actively involved in the surveillance of AMR. Together the group aims to: 

  • Provide opportunity to enhance cooperation and to establish links with and between networks of resistance surveillance programs 
  • Promote awareness and facilitate the early detection of emerging antimicrobial resistance
  • Contribute to an understanding of the epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance in Europe
  • Reconcile techniques used in resistance surveillance and to investigate the diversity of European techniques
  • Provide an opportunity for training in resistance detection and surveillance
  • Improve access to European data on surveillance

Activities and resources

Pseudomonas aeruginosa antimicrobial susceptibility profiles, resistance mechanisms and international clonal lineages: update from ESGARS-ESCMID/ISARPAE Group. 

Oliver A, Rojo-Molinero E, Arca-Suarez J, Beşli Y, Bogaerts P, Cantón R, Cimen C, Croughs PD, Denis O, Giske CG, Graells T, Daniel Huang TD, Iorga BI, Karatuna O, Kocsis B, Kronenberg A, López-Causapé C, Malhotra-Kumar S, Martínez LM, Mazzariol A, Meyer S, Naas T, Notermans DW, Oteo-Iglesias J, Pedersen T, Pirš M, Poeta P, Poirel L, Pournaras S, Sundsfjord A, Szabó D, Tambić-Andrašević A, Vatcheva-Dobrevska R, Vitkauskienė A, Jeannot K; ESGARS-ISARPAE members. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2024 Apr;30(4):469-480

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Executive Committee

  Spyros Pournaras

Spyros Pournaras

Attikon University General Hospital
Athens, Greece
  Antonio Oliver

Antonio Oliver

Science Officer
Hospital Son Espases, Microbiology
Palma de Mallorca, Spain
  Yesim Besli

Yesim Besli

Amerikan Hastanesi, Department of Medical Microbiology
Istanbul, Türkiye
  Iva Butic

Iva Butic

Education Officer
University Hospital for Infectious Diseases
Zagreb, Croatia
  Ini Adebiyi

Ini Adebiyi

University College Hospital
Ibadan, Nigeria


If you have questions or comments for our study group, we warmly invite you to contact us!

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