Aims and objectives

The ESCMID Study Group for Legionella Infections (ESGLI) focuses on innovating research, diagnostics, and control over Legionnaires’ diseases. They are proud to be dedicated to:

  • Monitoring and tracking circulating strains causing human disease
  • Finding new and more effective ways to diagnose all Legionellosis infections
  • Researching Legionella’s interactions with hosts and the environment
  • Identifying suitable control measures in the built environment
  • Offering training and producing guidelines and legislation for the prevention, control, and investigation Legionella infections

Activities and resources

ESGLI Newsletter, December 2024


Case report: First report of Legionella pneumophila and Bordetella bronchiseptica coinfection in an immunocompromised patient. 

La Sorda M, Palucci I, Natalini D, Fillo S, Giordani F, Paglione F, Monte A, Lista F, Mancini F, Girolamo A, Rota MC, Caporali MG, Ricci R, Ginevra C, Jarraud S, Sanguinetti M, Scaturro M, Ricci ML. Front Med. 2024 Oct 22;11:1470567

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ESGLI European Technical Guidelines for the Prevention, Control and Investigation, of Infections Caused by Legionella species

Go to guidelines

Premise plumbing bacterial communities in four European cities and their association with Legionella (Preprint)

Scaturro M, Del Chierico F, Motro Y, Chaldoupi A, Flountzi A, Moran-Gilad J, Girolamo A, Koutsiomani T, Krogulska B, Lindsay D, Matuszewska R, Papageorgiou G, Pancer K, Panoussis N, Rota MC, Uldum S, Velonakis E, Chaput DL, Ricci ML. Front Microbiomes Vol 2. 2023;10.3389/frmbi.2023.1170824.

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Genome analysis of Legionella pneumophila ST901 an Italian endemic strain (Preprint)

Ricci ML, Fillo S, Giordani F, Ciammaruconi A, Girolamo A, Anselmo A, Monte A, Cusimano V, Caporali MG, Rota MC, Petzold M, Afshar B, Lista F, Luck C, Scaturro M. bioRxiv. 2023.06.08.544189. Preprint.

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Legionella pneumophila, Chlamydia pneumoniae and Mycoplasma pneumoniae: atypical pneumonia and extrapulmonary infection

11 June 2025, 11:30 -13:30 CET

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The impact of the climate on Legionellosis

18 March 2025 at 14:30-15:30 CET

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12 - 14 November 2025

NH Hotel, Palermo, Italy


Executive Committee

  Diane Lindsay

Diane Lindsay

National Reference Laboratory.
Glasgow, United Kingdom
  Maria Scaturro

Maria Scaturro

Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Rome, Italy
  Sophie Jarraud

Sophie Jarraud

Science Officer
National Reference Centre for Legionella. Institute of Infectious Agents.
Lyon, France
  Markus Petzold

Markus Petzold

Education Officer
University Hospital Dresden. Medical Microbiology and Virology.
Dresden, Germany
  Anastasia Flountzi

Anastasia Flountzi

Hellenic National Public Health Organization and Prevention. Central Public Health Laboratory.
Athens, Greece


If you have questions or comments for our study group, we warmly invite you to contact us!

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