2nd Hands on workshop on Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistance phenotypes and whole genome sequence resistome analysis. Practical course intended for 20 students. 1st edition took place in 2023 and was a success according to students and faculty feedback. Many applications had to be declined due to space (lab sessions) limitations. WS developed in collaboration between ESGARS and the JPIAMR network ISARPAE.
Intended audience:
Clinical Microbiologist and Researchers interested in antimicrobial resistance mechanisms.
Course coordinator:
Antonio Oliver (antonio.oliver(at)ssib.es)
Carla López-Casaupé (carla.lopez(at)ssib.es)
Estrella Rojo-Molinero (estrella.rojo(at)ssib.es)
Hospital Son Espases
ESCMID Study Group for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (ESGARS)
Hospital Universitario Son Espases
Fundación Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de las Illes Balears (IdISBa)
Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB)
The ESCMID Education team will apply for accreditation to the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®).
Each participant can only receive the number of credits according to actual participation in the event and upon completion of the feedback survey.
Course organisers will monitor attendance. Only participants attending live sessions will be able to receive the certification.
Course Venue:
Facultat de Medicina - Universitat de les Illes Balears
Carretera de Valldemossa 79
Hospital Son Espases, IdISBa
Palma, Illes Balears, Spain
Attendance Grant application
Attendance grant application is closed.
The registration fee includes course materials, accommodation in a double shared rooms and meals.
The ESCMID Attendance Grant does not cover travel expenses.