The EU-funded ECRAID-Base project is central to the European Clinical Research Alliance for Infectious Diseases (Ecraid), enhancing Europe's defences against emerging infectious diseases (EID) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Coordinated by the Ecraid foundation, it establishes a self-sustainable clinical research network. The initial studies include five Perpetual Observational Studies (POS) and the adaptive platform trial REMAP-CAP, generating evidence to advance the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of infectious diseases. This effort ensures a robust response to emerging public health threats.
ESCMID plays a pivotal role in ECRAID-Base, particularly leading efforts in education and training through Work Package 11. This includes conducting tailored Training Needs Assessments, offering diverse Educational Programmes both online and onsite, and collaborating on the ECRAID-Base E-Learning Hub with the European Respiratory Society (ERS). These initiatives aim to ensure adherence to the OPERATES training criteria: Organised, Prepared, Engaged, Resourced, Active, Trained, Extensive and Sustainable. Opportunities are open to all clinical sites and investigators within the wider Ecraid network and are also often open to unaffiliated but interested people.
For more details and updates on ECRAID-Base educational initiatives, visit ECRAID-Base educational page.